Kyungdong E&S


Home > Company Introduction > Vision

Directing Point

Business Direction A company which creates shared value as a partner who can create the benefit and value for the new customers, away from the dependent customers

Corporate Direction A passionate company which contains core capabilities and professional knowledge to create future of the new company by entering into the new business, away from the current business


the vision of a company A specialized company, providing the integrated service, which creates the value for our customers

Vision of each headquarter

Construction headquarter Energy developer who creates the future

Logistics headquarter Global networking partner who adds to the value



V(Vision) is expressed in future-oriented wing-shape

Embodied year 2030 of vision 2030 with two sectors of business (construction and logistics) and three C (Challenge, Care, Create) behavioral values

'O' of 20 symbolizes the earth, and two bands, rising upward by winding the earth symbolizes the vision of Kyungdong E&S, aiming to become the global enterprise in both construction and logistics business

'O' of 30 refers to the customers, and the encircling 'C'-shape (of three C behavioral values) symbolizes the vision of Kyungdong E&S, aiming to create value for our customers

Three Behavioral Values
